Eid ka chaand nikhla

VRT 77 has its first fellowship of the year….29th July 2014

Tablers and ladies of VRT 77 attended in good numbers for an awesome lunch hosted by the Area 9 chairman Tr.Riaz Khan at his home . Tablers were eager from the time they received an invite from Riaz for the lunch fellowship at hisw home marking Eid. I am sure some of them haven’t had their breakfast that morning  . And being an all table fellowship , we had an awesome time with tablers and lades from WRT 92 ,VVRT 213 and VKRT 225 attended in large numbers .Lovely homemade mutton biryani chicken , mutton paaya and some yummy kheer rich with dry fruits were some of the gastronomic delights all of us had .The food was being smashed off as it was as it was being laid on the dining table . Lots of refills !!!

Thanks to Riaz and Anjum for the lovely lunch and above all Riaz’s mom who served us all with  lots  of love .

At the end of the lunch , I could see a few of us had eaten so much , we were justslumping in the sofas not able to budge !!!

A lovely gastronomic beginning to string of fellowships that are to be held through the year at VRT 77 !!!!


And come evening , tablers and ladies of VRT 77 alone got together for some beautiful sea breeze , bhuttas and ice cream at the beach road , the usual chit chat , more planning for fellowships and above all an awesome time with the extended family called the “77 family ”

Reported by :

LMF Tr . GVS Ramayya

Fellowship convener 2014-15

VRT 77


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A prelude to a great AGM : An FTE assist project at VRT 77

On the 26th of July ,2014 we at Vizag Round Table 77 inaugurated the benches project at our prestigious FTE project , Vasantha Bala school .

A total of 100 bench units were procured and donated to the school at a total cost of 2.5 Lakh rupees .Thanks to Mrs. Sudari Dadlani for her generous donation of 1.5 lakh rupees towards this project and 1 Lakh rupees was raised from the FTE assist scheme of RTI .

Kudos to the great efforts from Tr. Ameet Mirpuri in executing the project from the beginning to the inauguration of the project .Who said a fellowship guy cannot execute a project ?!!!

On the morning of the 26th of July ,tablers along with AVC Tr. Sumeet Bhalotia gathered at the school and formally inaugurated the  project .Each bench unit was branded with Round Table India stickers .

The students and the staff of the school were extremely happy for the benches and showered accolades oneach one of us at VRT 77 for the help we had been doing to them the past few years .The smiles and the happy faces of the children is a treasure to cherish . 

After the project inauguration and with great sense of satisfaction , we all headed towards our resperctive dance practices for the AGM in the evening .

Service and fellowship on the same day , a great experience all in all .

LMF Tr. Sandeep Reddy Tadi

Secretary 2014-15

Vizag Round Table 77


Benches 9Benches 3 Benches 4 Benches 8 Benches 7 Benches 6 Benches 5 Benches 2 Benches 10 Benches 1