Aims and objects of Round Table India

  • To develop the fellowship of young men through the medium of their business and professional occupations and community service activities.
  • To encourage active and responsible citizenship by cultivating the highest ideals in business, professional and civic traditions.
  • To promote and further international understanding friendship and co-operation.
  • To promote the extension of the association.

RTI in a Nutshell

  • Young Men’s Club consisting of Successful Businessmen and Professionals
  • Key Objective of Community Service focusing on Building Infrastructure for Education of Underprivileged Children
  • Key Opportunities for Members of RTI for Personal and Professional Growth and Networking

Welcome to the wonderful world of Tabling!

Round Table is internationally a friendship organization, founded in Norwich, England by Louis Marchesi, then a Rotarian in 1927. From a small group of 8 members, today it has grown to 43,000 members across 52 countries representing every corner of the world. Round Table came to India in 1957 with the formation of Madras Round Table No 1 on November 14th 1962. Over the past four decades it has grown to become a 5,000 member strong association.

Round Table India is a non-religious, non-political and non-sectarian organisation offering its members the best opportunity to connect with each other, to give back to the society.

The young business professional men of Round Table India get together round the table, adopt methods that proved good in the past, adapt them to the changing times and wherever possible, improve Round Table India has around 325 Tables located in 119 cities and towns, comprising of businessmen, entrepreneurs, technocrats and professionals, men who can rise above personal concerns to seek and serve the larger needs of the community.

On the administration front, Round Table India has a very active National Board, which guides the affairs of the association. Round Table India is divided into 17 Areas, which have their own Area Board to administer them. The National Secretariat, the hub of all activities of Round Table India, is located at Chennai.

Round Table India foundation is a trust formed in April 1980. In recent years, RTIF is extending support to projects taken by the Ladies Circle India and RTI national projects.

Clubs – an Overview:

Ladies Circle

The Round Table movement is not only for men; its sister movement, Ladies Circle, was formed five years after Round Table. Ladies Circle is open to all women aged 18 to 40 years of age. It also adheres to the main objectives of Round Table such as making friends, having fun, and supporting social causes.

41 Clubs of India

When members graduate from Round Table India, they are invited to join “41 Clubs of India” to continue their services. This National Association of Past Tablers provides a lot of support to the service activity of RTI.

Round Table International

The Round table has gained worldwide recognition with over 40,000 members in 2700 clubs across 65 countries. Round Table India is a member of Round Table International.